Friday, October 19, 2007

Ice-hockey and so on


We went to see a local match of ice-hockey. It was Coors Belfast Giants vs Basingstoke Bisons. As most readers might know, finnish ice-hockey is "a bit" more combination of quality and teamplay. First thing I noticed was there was only 9 players sitting in the bench, so not even chains :S

Well match was what it was, Giants won 5-3, if I remember correctly :D But that wasn't the main point. Point was to see what kinda ice-hockey culture they have here. Cheerleaders and normal stuff, kinda back in Finland. Well it was nice excursion, more of these please.

And after party, ofcourse, we went to Box. Box might be the best club in Belfast, or that it seems so far. Always nice attitude and enough people to have fun, and ofcouse the best, funnies, people from Elms and from our floor. Nobody can't denide that!

Unfortunately there is some work to do also. Multimedia project is on it's way, thank god. Now we just have to finnish it, because next project is in the door already. Site under construct But no worries, still alive. I also reserved flight to Finland for christmas, so I will be spending christmas with snow, or hope so.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Derry excursion

Derry was quiet intresting city to visit. It was a early wake and we headed to bus station about 8.30 am. We founded yourselfs in Derry few hours later and managed to find some information about places to visit. Mainly we were looking for murals, that Derry is also famous about, and we managed even to be there when cuban ambassor opened one in ceremony, it was weird.. :S

Next three weeks are going to be mad. A lot of work in one multimedia course, that I have never study before. I don't really know why I choose it, but it's quiet intresting anyway. Basicly in three weeks we have to do with my friend multimedia project, in software that I have never used before :D If you are intrested you can look your project development in our webpage

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cave Hills visited

Last sunday me and some of my friends decided to visit natural park of cave hill close to city of Belfast. We took but to Belfast castle and spend some time in there to see what was the craic like in there. After that we took a 3 hour hiking route around the mountains. It was kinda misty at that time of day and we could hardly see anything there. So basicly we were wandering in the mist 3 hours. But it was worth it still.

Today also started my english course about seminar skills. It was kinda easier than I thought, just chatting with other international students and making some presentation about your culture.

I have also some friends from Finland visiting this week. Maybe arrange some party with them.. maybe. This weekends plan is to go Londonderry, city near Irelands border in north. Heard that it is one of the intresting citys, if you look at the history, of Norhern-Ireland.

Should be a good trip, as usual.


Thursday, October 4, 2007


Lukukausi on alkanut ihan sujuvasti ja käytännön asiat alkaa hoitumaan jo luontevasti. Jouduin luopumaan yhdestä kurssista, koska proffa ei uskonut että jaksan suorittaa 4 kurssia lukukaudessa, 3 on se normi ja ehkä hyvä näin. Käyn kolmea kurssia Java Programming for BIT, Computation Theory ja Applied Multimedia. Java ohjelmoinnin kurssi on ehkä paras(vähiten työtä) ja paikallinen ohjelmistotieteen perustyökalut taas siitä toisesta päästä. Multimedia kurssi on tarkoitettu viimeisen vuoden opiskelijoille, joten 0 kurssia multimediaa lukeneena ihan sopiva valinta.
Ensimmäisellä viikolla täällä, kaikki sanoivat että belfast on yksi euroopan turvallisimmista kaupungeista(YK:n tutkimus). Kuitenki vähän naurattaa, kolmen viikon aikana parin kilometrin sisällä mistä asun on tapettu yksi ihminen ruuvimeisselillä("naapurin pojat"). Hetki sitten jollain paikallisella kaverilla meni hermot (ei tietoa miksi) ja tuloksena oli 2 autoa tulessa. Katu sijaitsi yliopiston päärakennuksesta seuraavassa korttelissa, tätä oltiin todistamassa. Mutta mukava paikka tää on.

-From the G09-